SaarLB > Homepage > Financial report 2022

Landesbank Saar
Ursulinenstraße 2
66111 Saarbrücken

66104 Saarbrücken

Telefon: 0681 383-01
Telefax: 0681 383-1200

Landesbausparkasse Saar

Beethovenstraße 35-39
66111 Saarbrücken

PO box: Postfach 10 19 62
66019 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 383-02
Telefax: +49 681 383-2100

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Mannheim
Willy-Brandt-Platz 5-7
68161 Mannheim

Telefon: 0621 124769-10

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Trier
Nikolaus-Koch-Platz 4
54290 Trier

Telefon: 0651 9946-6138 

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Koblenz
Peter-Kläckner-Straße 5
56073  Koblenz

Telefon: 0261 952-18461

SaarLB France
Succursale de la Landesbank Saar

Résidence Le Premium
17-19, rue du Fossé des Treize
67000 Strasbourg Cédex

Telefon: +33 3 88 3758-70
Telefax: +33 3 88 3693-78

SaarLB France
Centre d’affaires

203, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré
75008 Paris

Telefon: +33 1 45 6363-52
Telefax: +33 1 45 6371-22

SaarLB significantly increases new business and focus-es even more on the Franco-German orientation and sustainability

Financial report 2022

SaarLB significantly increases new business and focus-es even more on the Franco-German orientation and sustainability

  • New business climbed by 38%, a substantial rise year-on-year, with strong growth in Germany and stability in France.
  • Operating income significantly outpaced the performance in 2021.
  • Launch of the “BankWESEN” campaign and new branding as “Die Deutsch-Französische Bank” and “La Banque Franco-Allemande” (“The Franco-German Bank”).
  • Successful opening of a new branch in Lyon.
  • LBS Landesbausparkasse Saar sees increase in new home loan and savings business

Saarbrücken, 21 April 2023: In the past financial year, we achieved a good overall business result and continued our positive trend.We were also able to make some important marks beyond the figures.

We increased our new business to a total of EUR 2.72 billion, an increase of 38% year-on-year.  We stabilised the already good level in France and almost doubled our new business in Germany.

We increased our operating profit, which is based on the Bank’s ordinary business activities and led to a rise in equity, to EUR 153.5 million, up EUR 10.6 million year-on-year.

In addition to the solid business figures, which are also detailed in our Annual Report, we initiated a number of other forward-looking themes for our Bank over the past year.

We have refined our modern brand so it has an even clearer focus, emphasising our DNA as “Die Deutsch-Französische Bank” and “La Banque Franco-Allemande” (The Franco-German Bank). “The new logo clearly expresses what we are, a modern bank with a long tradition, while at the same time emphasising our Franco-German orientation, in line with our business model,” said Dr Thomas Bretzger, Chair of the Board of Management of SaarLB.

In addition to the logo relaunch, we have launched our Franco-German “BankWESEN” campaign to increase brand awareness at all our German and French branches and beyond. “BankWESEN” also aims to sharpen and promote the perception of our target groups and to rejuvenate the brand.

“We recently realised that our orientation and external image no longer corresponded to the current and future image of our bank,” says Katrin Spelz, Head of Human Resources and Communications.

At the end of last year, we successfully opened our third branch in Lyon, the capital of the French SME sector, thus underlining our Franco-German DNA. “For us as a bank focusing on German and French SMEs, the Lyon branch is a logical continuation of our strategic focus,”  says Dr Thomas Bretzger.

In the last financial year, LBS Landesbausparkasse Saar concluded more than 8,500 new contracts with a total home loan savings volume of EUR 613.3 million. The number of new contracts thus rose by 7.8 % compared to the previous year.

Important figures from us at a glance

Net interest income

December 2021December 2022Difference
EUR 136,0 Mio.EUR 143,1 Mio.EUR 7,1 Mio.

Net commission income

December 2021December 2022Difference
EUR 7,3 Mio.EUR 9,1 Mio.EUR 1,8 Mio.

Administrative expenses

December 2021December 2022Difference
EUR 81,3 Mio.EUR 89,2 Mio.EUR 7,9 Mio.


December 2021December 2022Difference
Before taxesEUR 45,2 Mio.EUR 47,1 Mio.EUR 1,9 Mio.
After taxesEUR 30,8 Mio.EUR 32,1 Mio.EUR 1,3 Mio.

Common equity tier 1 (CET1 ratio)

December 2021December 2022Difference
13.2 %13.4 %0.2 percentage points

You can find the complete annual report in German here.

Your contact

Philipp Werthmüller

Communication & Media
Phone: +49 681 383-1264

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Ihr Ansprechpartner

Philipp Werthmüller

Communication & Media
Phone: +49 681 383-1264