SaarLB > About us > Sustainability > Green Bonds

Landesbank Saar
Ursulinenstraße 2
66111 Saarbrücken

66104 Saarbrücken

Telefon: 0681 383-01
Telefax: 0681 383-1200

Landesbausparkasse Saar

Beethovenstraße 35-39
66111 Saarbrücken

PO box: Postfach 10 19 62
66019 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 383-02
Telefax: +49 681 383-2100

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Mannheim
Willy-Brandt-Platz 5-7
68161 Mannheim

Telefon: 0621 124769-10

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Trier
Nikolaus-Koch-Platz 4
54290 Trier

Telefon: 0651 9946-6138 

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Koblenz
Peter-Kläckner-Straße 5
56073  Koblenz

Telefon: 0261 952-18461

SaarLB France
Succursale de la Landesbank Saar

Résidence Le Premium
17-19, rue du Fossé des Treize
67000 Strasbourg Cédex

Telefon: +33 3 88 3758-70
Telefax: +33 3 88 3693-78

SaarLB France
Centre d’affaires

203, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré
75008 Paris

Telefon: +33 1 45 6363-52
Telefax: +33 1 45 6371-22

in green

Green Bonds

Green Bonds for renewable energies

Renewable energies and climate protection are essential areas of activity for SaarLB. We are the leading issuer in this special segment of SME-structured project financing in our German core market and in France. We have specialised in the financing of wind power and photovoltaic projects. Accordingly, we have launched a programme for issuing Green Bonds. This is part of SaarLB’s sustainability programme and contributes to further expanding our position in renewable energies and climate protection.

The proceeds from issuing SaarLB’s Green Bonds are currently used exclusively for eligible or suitable projects in the category of “Renewable Energies”, as laid out in the Green Bond Principles. Specifically, we finance the acquisition, construction, development and installation of units to generate renewable energy as well as connections to the electricity grid, including the long-term operation of the units.

With these projects, SaarLB contributes to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by preventing or reducing CO2 emissions and increasing the share of renewable energies in the global energy mix. The projects are also in line with the EU Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth, as they contribute to the EU environmental objective of mitigating climate change. The objective is to increase the supply of wind and solar energy and thus avoid CO2 emissions.

Through the eligible projects, SaarLB contributes to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In concrete terms, this contribution can be seen in two objectives:
Goals / sustainability benefits SDGs
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Target 7: Affordable and clean energy csm_SDG-icon-DE-07_c6b067c782
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects Target 13: Climate protection measures csm_SDG-icon-DE-13_98b7df9a99

Social Bond / Social Covered Bond (Pfandbrief)

SaarLB is aware of its responsibility as a lender for financing sustainable growth (“Sustainable Finance”). SaarLB’s historical role as a Franco-German regional bank and the tasks specified by the Bank’s owners and Articles of Incorporation entail that serving the public sector/municipalities and municipally-owned companies is an important part of its business commitment. SaarLB has steadily expanded its expertise in this business segment and built up a large volume of corresponding financing in Germany and France in recent years.

The proceeds from issuing a SaarLB Social Bond/Pfandbrief will be used exclusively for suitable projects and financing that provide social added value, as laid out in the Social Bond Principles. For the most part, the areas addressed include public sector supply, health and care, education and research, as well as housing in Germany and France.

Financing category Customer type/ Sector
Public sector supply Energy supply: Electricity generation, Electricity transmission, Gas production, Gas distribution, Heat and cold supply

Water supply

Sewage disposal

Road traffic and transport: Passenger transport on long-distance railways, Passenger transport with local road vehicles
Health and care Health care: Hospitals, University hospitals, Preventive and rehabilitation homes

Homes (not incl. vacation and holiday homes): Nursing homes, Retirement homes, homes for the elderly and disabled
Education and research Education and teaching: Kindergartens and preschools, Primary schools, General secondary schools, Vocational secondary schools, Tertiary education (universities, general/administrative colleges, vocational/technical academies, health care schools)
Here, too, SaarLB’s financing contributes to the fulfilment of several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SaarLB’s financing category Goals / Sustainability benefits SDGs
Public sector supply Access to adequate basic infrastructure in terms of energy supply

Better coverage of the important demand for water / waste water

Expansion and further development of public transport
Target 6: Clean water and sanitation

Target 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Target 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Klimaziele 6,9,11
Health and care Expanding basic and high-quality health and care services

Improving access and technical equipment in the health sector
Target 3: Health and well-being SDG-icon-DE-03
Education and research Improving equitable and high-quality education

Expansion of / Improvements in scientific research
Target 4: High-quality education

Target 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Klimaziele 4,9
Detailed information on SaarLB’s Sustainable Bond issues can be found in the Frameworks and supplementary Second Party Opinions.


SaarLB plans to issue Social Pfandbriefe or Social Bonds to refinance loans that serve a social added value. of loans that serve a social added value. All funds raised through these social raised via these social issues will be used exclusively for suitable SaarLB assets assets that are related to social aspects. The assets can also be in the Bank’s public cover pool.

imug rating wurde beauftragt, eine unabhängige Stellungnahme in Form einer Second Party Opinion zum Rahmenwerk für soziale Emissionen der Landesbank Saar zu erstellen. Die Bewertung des Finanzierungsrahmens erfolgt anhand der Social Bond Principles (SBP) der International Capital Market Association (ICMA) vom Juni 2021

SaarLB has launched a Green Bond programme to support renewable energy projects that demonstrate a clear environmental benefit. This framework is designed to define, select, evaluate and report on suitable projects and is intended to meet the requirements of the ICMA for issuing Green Bonds.

Vigeo Eiris was commissioned to prepare an independent opinion in the form of a “Second Party Opinion” on the sustainability aspects and on the sustainability management of the Green Bond of Landesbank Saar.

Der Erstellung des Berichts lag der Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitskodex (DNK) als Rahmenwerk zu Grunde. Die SaarLB hat eine Entsprechenserklärung abgegeben, wobei die Leistungsindikatoren der Global Reporting Initiative (GRI SRS) zur Anwendung kamen.

Your contact

Christian Mathe

Head of Treasury and Syndication
Phone: +49 681 383-1519

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Philipp Werthmüller

Communication & Media
Phone: +49 681 383-1264