SaarLB > BankWesen > The Talent Class of 2022/23 bids farewell…

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Landesbank Saar
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Telefax: +33 1 45 6371-22

The Talent Class of 2022/23 bids farewell…

For several years now, we have used the Talent Class to offer our “young talents” the opportunity to participate in an internal development programme, enabling them to qualify for key positions within our bank.

We act as a kind of “career coach”, helping our banking professionals to pursue their desired career paths. The Talent Programme for 2022/2023 was completed at the end of last year. In a total of nine seminars, the talents acquired valuable skills in verbal and non-verbal communication, leadership and decision-making. The mentoring programme and fireside chats with our Board of Management have further strengthened the internal network. Through the implementation of projects, concepts such as “project management”, “agile working” and “teamwork” have become a reality for all involved – turning theory into practice.

Our Talent Class can be justifiably proud of the following achievements:

  • Launching a new partnership with the “Restos du Coeur” association in Forbach,
  • Organising the first Franco-German after-work event in the customer hall,
  • Improving digital collaboration through the “NewTeamWork@SaarLB” project.

Here are some statements from our talents reflecting on their time in the Talent Class:

“The Talent Programme was an absolute enrichment for me, and I am very grateful to have had this experience. In addition to the varied seminar programme and the interesting project work, I particularly enjoyed the intensive exchange with our Board of Management and the cooperation within our Talent Class.A clear recommendation for all colleagues who want to develop personally and professionally, expand their networks, drive forward exciting projects in the bank and venture beyond their comfort zone!” Yvonne Klauck

‘The Talentprogramm has allowed us to implement projects close to our heart, giving us greater autonomy and strengthening our ties with other services.’ Amélie Thiébaut 

‘My three-point summary of the Talentklasse: – Taking the time to understand your own strengths and weaknesses in a professional context – Working as a team to implement ambitious projects outside of your usual professional sphere – New professional relationships and encounters that enrich us and open our minds to what SaarLB is really all about.’ Fanny Loux

“In both personal and professional contexts, a quote from the Talent Programme seminar series has stayed with me: “It is better to make imperfect decisions than to constantly seek perfect decisions that will never exist.” – Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), French general and politician, President of France from 1958-69. Philipp Glaser

“Participating in this Talent Programme was extremely enriching and provided me with a wealth of valuable knowledge. The quality of the seminars was excellent and helped me to successfully complete the project tasks. The opportunity to learn and grow in a professional environment was invaluable for my personal development. Apart from the professional aspects, I have also made valuable friendships. These connections will undoubtedly last beyond the Talent Programme. Another highlight was the immersion in French culture, which not only improved my language skills, but also deepened my understanding of intercultural cooperation. The Franco-German cooperation within the programme was very effective and showed how a positive and cooperative working environment can lead to excellent results. In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this talent programme and would recommend it to others. It has exceeded my expectations. I’m looking forward to applying what I’ve learned in my future work and personal life.” Jannik Klein 

“The Talent Class 22/23 has shown me the innovative potential of an intercultural Franco-German working group – a future-oriented model for SaarLB.” Elodie Tröger


“SaarLB’s Talent Programme provides a platform for successful personal development by strengthening individual skills through project work and offering new learning experiences through seminars. In addition, the programme provides a unique and valuable professional networking opportunity within our institution, thus promoting the chance of successful career development and stronger interdisciplinary cooperation with colleagues from different areas.” Selina Salerno

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Philipp Werthmüller

Communication & Media
Phone: +49 681 383-1264

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Philipp Werthmüller

Communication & Media
Phone: +49 681 383-1264