SaarLB > Customers > Risk management

Landesbank Saar
Ursulinenstraße 2
66111 Saarbrücken

66104 Saarbrücken

Telefon: 0681 383-01
Telefax: 0681 383-1200

Landesbausparkasse Saar

Beethovenstraße 35-39
66111 Saarbrücken

PO box: Postfach 10 19 62
66019 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 383-02
Telefax: +49 681 383-2100

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Mannheim
Willy-Brandt-Platz 5-7
68161 Mannheim

Telefon: 0621 124769-10

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Trier
Nikolaus-Koch-Platz 4
54290 Trier

Telefon: 0651 9946-6138 

Landesbank Saar
Vertriebsbüro Koblenz
Peter-Kläckner-Straße 5
56073  Koblenz

Telefon: 0261 952-18461

SaarLB France
Succursale de la Landesbank Saar

Résidence Le Premium
17-19, rue du Fossé des Treize
67000 Strasbourg Cédex

Telefon: +33 3 88 3758-70
Telefax: +33 3 88 3693-78

SaarLB France
Centre d’affaires

203, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré
75008 Paris

Telefon: +33 1 45 6363-52
Telefax: +33 1 45 6371-22

Everyone has their weakness. We recognize yours, through our comprehensive risk check.

Risk management and employee benefits

As the stage you are on gets bigger and the challenges you face become more specific, the pitfalls threatening the achievement of your business goals increase in number.

Greater attention and the right tools are more important than ever – especially in a difficult environment.
Within the framework of an environment analysis, we identify your individual corporate risks in order to discuss possible solutions with you in dialogue.

In the environment analysis, we look with you at your ...

Strategic issues ...

… where long-term potential may not be exploited or may be misjudged.

For example

  • in the extension and expansion of the range of services,
  • the need for fast delivery and safe transport
  • as well as for an increase in product quality.

Operating issues ...

… resulting from possible weaknesses in the day-to-day running of the business.

For example

  • securing project financing,
  • transport and storage issues,
  • dealing with cyber risks in the event of IT failure,
  • finding, hiring and retaining good employees.

Financial issues ...

… which originate in the financial area and have a direct impact on the income statement or balance sheet.

For example

  • securing your sales financing,
  • secured payment transactions,
  • factoring and securing guarantees and sureties.

Event risks ...

… which become manageable through the (individual) transfer of risk to the insurance market.

For example

  • for classic property risks / business interruption,
  • complex liability issues / property damage,
  • cyber risks – assess, measure, outsource.
  • hedging of transport and storage risks.

Our goal

We support you in managing your risks, even if they cannot be transferred to the insurance market!

Ideas and concepts related to employee benefits

There are good reasons for a company to deal with the management of company benefits. Caring for employees is a litmus test for corporate culture. Employees see very clearly how their employers treat them, how much commitment companies really have to their workforces. Employees will remember lack of loyalty and breaches of trust very well, but will also register loyalty and trust.

Qualified and motivated employees are more important today than ever before … and cash alone is not everything.

  • Ensuring company-wide benefits for employees
  • Competitive advantage through positioning your company as an employer that pays well
  • Positioning your company as an attractive employer in the region

Your contact

Markus Santner

Head of Corporate Customers - Germany
Phone: +49 681 383-1631

Stefan Blank

Manager Corporate Customers Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 383-1391

Melanie Schmitz

Head of Market Team Trier Luxembourg
Phone: +49 651 99466138

Bernhard Kurz

Manager Market Team Leader Rhein Main Neckar
Phone: +49 621 124 769-10

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Philipp Werthmüller

Communication & Media
Phone: +49 681 383-1264